Snow Road Information at Amanohashidate’s Rurinohama - 客室温泉付プライベートヴィラ 天然温泉&プライベートSPA瑠璃浜-るりのはま【公式】

Snow Road Information at Amanohashidate’s Rurinohama


In Kyoto's Amanohashidate, the winter weather has us longing for hot springs

In Kyoto’s Amanohashidate, the winter weather has been making us long for hot springs. At the Natural Hot Springs & Private Pool SPA Rurinohama, the recent news of the first snowfall has been followed by a string of chilly days that make the warmth of our hot springs even more inviting.

Recently, we’ve experienced light snowfall of 1 to 2 centimeters during the night, which melts by morning, eliminating the need for snow removal. This has been a great relief for us as locals.

As we have received many inquiries from guests regarding snowy road conditions, we have compiled helpful websites where you can find information on highway restrictions and snowfall on nearby national roads. Please make use of these resources to stay informed before your visit.

Snow Information for National and Prefectural Roads in the Tango Peninsula
For snow conditions on the roads from the nearest highway interchange, Yosa Amanohashidate IC, to Miyazu City’s Hioki where Rurinohama is located, as well as to other tourist spots in the Tango Peninsula like Ine’s Funaya and Amanohashidate, please use the Tango Regional Promotion Bureau website.

For a link to the snow information in the Tango region, click here: [View on Map (External Link)]

▼ Tango Regional Promotion Bureau Website ▼

Snow Road Information for the Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway from the Osaka Area
For those traveling from the Osaka area to our facility, useful information on snow conditions and restrictions on highways such as the Chugoku Expressway and Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway can be found on the Highway Traffic Information website. You can quickly check the latest information on snow tire regulations and other restrictions.

▼ Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway from Osaka Area to Ayabe JCT: [Highway Traffic Information Website] ▼

Snow Road Information for the Kyoto-Tango Expressway from the Kyoto Area
For those traveling from Kyoto City to our facility, useful information on snow conditions and restrictions for the Kyoto-Tango Expressway can be found on the Kyoto Prefecture Road Corporation website. You can quickly check the latest information on snow tire regulations and other restrictions.

▼ Kyoto-Tango Expressway from Kyoto Area to Yosa-Tenkyodai IC: [Kyoto Prefecture Road Corporation Website] ▼

Relax and Enjoy the Rare Gold Hot Springs After Arrival
As of February 10, 2020, there is no snow in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, where Rurinohama is located. However, the cold temperatures have been quite severe. During such wintry weather, a hot spring is truly soothing. Rurinohama's guest room baths feature a rare gold hot spring, known for its red water, which is uncommon even in the Kansai region.

After a safe and leisurely drive, please take your time to fully enjoy this precious natural hot spring.





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